Valkyrie & Saber-Scorpion Logo Graphics (Corel Draw)

About Me

Hi, and welcome to, the sister website to Saber-Scorpion’s Lair! This website was designed (by my brother, Ryan) to allow me to offer my artistic services to others on a commission basis. I’m open to doing work on video games, movies, comic books, novels, and much more. Just contact me.

I’m Justin, and you’ve somehow ended up in my little corner of the web. I’ve been maintaining a personal website under the name of ‘Scorp’ since 1/1/2000. I was born in 1987, in Virginia, USA… and I’m still pretty much stuck here. I enjoy various nerdy activities like art, writing, building LEGO creations, web design, and playing video games (especially RPG’s). Since I enjoy science fiction and medieval fantasy more than anything else, I have been working on my own sci-fi universe called Nova Refuge and my own fantasy world called Wulfgard for a number of years now. Anything I make that’s worth looking at ends up on (or on one of the two websites I just linked). I am often aided in my endeavors by my brother Ryan and sister Maegan. We hope you enjoy our work!

Look How Modern I Am

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